Kotlin Comments

Comments are ignored by the kotlin compiler. comment is a programmer readable explanation about source code that makes source code easier to understand by programmers. Single-line Comments : Kotlin comments…

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Kotlin Type Conversion

it's also called Type casting , Type Conversion is to convert one data type variable into another data type kotlin doesn't support implicit type conversion (small to large data type). java…


Kotlin Data Types

It specifies the type of data variable can store like data could be string, integer, numeric, boolean, float. In kotlin all data types behave as object in java need to…


kotlin var vs val

In Kotlin, var and val Both keywords are used for declaring variables. var - Variable declare with var keywords are Mutable Variables, value of variable can be changed fun main()…


Kotlin Variable

Variable is Container to store values, every variable should be declared before using otherwise it gives syntax errors. variable name should be declared using lowerCamelCase. Variable declaration With initialization: If variable…


Hello World program in Kotlin

To compile and run a Kotlin program, you'll need to follow these general steps. 1. Write Your Kotlin Code: Open notepad or VSCode and Save the code in a file…


Java List

The List interface is part of the Java Collections Framework and extends the Collection interface. It is an ordered collection (sequence) that allows duplicate elements.The List interface provides methods to…


Java Singleton Class

What is a Singleton pattern? The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance.…


Java Generic Interfaces

A generic interface is an interface that declares one or more type parameters, allowing the interface to work with different types. The syntax for declaring a generic interface is similar…


Java Lambda Expressions

Prerequisites: Functional Interfaces: Introduction to Java lambdas Lambda expressions in Java are used to provide a concise way to implement functional interfaces, which are interfaces with a single abstract method.…

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