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Kotlin Operator

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Operators are symbols that perform mathematical or logical operations. It used to perform operations on values and variables.

Types of Operators in Kotlin

  •  Arithmetic operator
  • Relation operator
  • Assignment operator
  • Unary operator
  • Logical operator
  • Bitwise operator

1. Arithmetic Operators – This operators are used to perform mathematical operations.

OperatorsMeaningExpressionTranslate to
+Additionx + yx .plus(y)
Subtractionx – yx.minus(y)
*Multiplicationx * yx.times(y)
/Divisionx / yx.div(y)
%Modulusx % yx.rem(y)
fun main()
    var x = 10 
    var y = 3 
    println(x + y) //13
    println(x .plus(y))//13
    println(x - y)//7
    println(x * y) //30
    println(x / y)//3
    println(x % y)//1

2. Relational Operators These operators are used to compare two values and return Boolean value(true or false).

OperatorsMeaningExpressionTranslate to
>greater thanx > yx.compareTo(y) > 0
<less thanx < yx.compareTo(y) < 0
>=greater than or equal tox >= yx.compareTo(y) >= 0
<=less than or equal tox <= y.compareTo(y) <= 0
==is equal tox == y x?.equals(y) ?: (y=== null)
!=not equal tox != y !(x?.equals(y) ?: (y=== null)) > 0

compareTo returns zero if this object is equal to the specified other object and returns negative number if it’s less than other, or returns a positive number if it’s greater than other.

fun main()
    var x = 10 
    var y = 37 
    var z = 37

fun main()
    var x = 10 
    var y = 37 
    println(x > y) //false
    println(x < y)//true
    println(x >= y) //false
    println(x.compareTo(y) >= 0)//false
    println(x.compareTo(y) <= 0)//true
    println(x == y)//false
    println( x?.equals(y))//false
    println(x != y)//true

3. Assignment Operators – it’s used to assign values to variable

OperatorsExpressionSame As
+= a = a + ba+=b
-=a = a – ba-=b
*=a = a * ba*=b
/=a = a / ba/=b
%=a = a % ba%=b
fun main()
    var a = 10 
    var b = 37 
    println(a) // 47
    println(a) //10
    println(a)// 370
    println(a) // 10

4. Unary Operators – It uses with only single operand

OperatorsExpressionSame As
+  unary plus+aa.unaryPlus()
–  unary minus-aa.unaryMinus()
++ increment by
— decrement by 1–aa.dec()
! not!aa.not()

pre increment operator : ex ++a -It increments the value of variable before using it 

Post-increment operator : ex a++ – It increments the value of the variable after executing the expression

fun main()
    var a = 10
    val flag = false 
    println(-a)// -10
    println(a) // 10
    println(+a) // 10
    println(a.unaryMinus()) // -10
    println(a.unaryPlus()) // 10
    println(a++) // 11 // this is post incriement first incriment then  assignn
    println(a) // 12 
    println(--a)// 11
    println(a) // 11
    println(a--)// 11
    println(a) // 10
    println(!flag) // true

5. Logical Operator : This is used to check condition between operands

OperatorDescriptionExpressionTranslate to
&&returns true if both condition are true(a>b) && (a>c)(a>b) and (a>c)
||returns true if any expression are true(a>b) || (a>c)(a>b) or(a>c)
!returns reverse of result!aa.not()
fun main(args : Array<String>){
    var a = 50
    var b = 20
    var c = 5
    var flag = false
    println((a>b) && (a>c)) // true
    println((c>b) || (a>c)) // true

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